Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1 Million Steps for Robert/New Clothes for Me!

I bought some new clothes at Sports Authority yesterday.
It didn't cost me a penny.
Two cute sports dresses, a new run skort and a running tank.
Okay, the truth is it cost me $8. That's because of the tax.
The other $100 was covered by a gift card.
My guy gave me the gift card.
Robert got the gift card from his work.
He got it for participating in "Boeing on the Move."
Not only did Robert get a gift card, he always got featured in the October employee newsletter.
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I am reprinting the story here for you to read if you want.....if you don't want to read it just skip down a bit. The story kind of explains why he gave me the gift card.

Employee Reaches over 1 Mission Steps - by Michelle Smith
Boeing on the Move was a six week physical activity challenge offered to all Boeing employees around the world. During the program, employees tracked the number of steps they took daily. Employees who met their goal received a $50 or $100 gift card to a sport goods store.
PSE LB had a team where one particular team member logged in 1,340,880 steps! That team member was Robert DeCarlo, of the BOC. Robert explained how he managed to log in all those steps. He said his wife was training for the MapMyRide le Tour 12 Challenge. She had to ride at least 23 miles every day of the Tour de France from June 20 - July 23, and he rode along with her most of those days. In addition, they are both training for a half Ironman in Soma, Arizona, which is set for Oct. 21.
Robert also hiked to Cucamonga Peak and the Bridge to Nowhere, in the San Gabriel mountains, and tracked his steps while he painted his house before putting in new rugs. Robert said, "Believe it or not, painting was a selection for steps, which I made the mistake of telling my wife". Congratulations, Robert!
So, let's get some facts straight. The tour was from June 30, not June 20.....and really it is an exaggeration to say he rode "most of those days." As I recall, I rode "most of those days" by myself, though it was nice when he joined me on occasion. And while we are training for a half Ironman distance this weekend, it is in Tempe, AZ and it is called SOMA Triathlon.
Robert did NOT paint my HOUSE. He did paint the ceilings in the family room, dining room and living room and he painted the laundry room. I painted the walls.
Some guys from Home Depot put in my carpeting and new floors.
I don't recall him ever telling me that painting counted as steps.
We need to take more pictures of us together. The only picture he could dig up of the two of us at a triathlon was from last year when I was on the Odwalla Team. I'll make sure we get more this weekend at SOMA.
Since he "blamed" me for his steps, I "guilted" him into giving me the gift card.
It's the least he could do for all the free training he has been getting from me.
Next week I am starting a new home improvement project for Robert. I just want to make sure he is getting his steps in!


We train-n-tri!



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