My training plan flu out the window this past week.
That plan would have worked, if that had been my plan. But I had lots of plans and I couldn't do any of them.
My training plans started taking a nose dive about 10 days ago. I didn't know it at the time, but the flu bug had bitten me.
My knees were achy, so I taped them up before I headed out a week ago Saturday on a ride with my guy and several of my cycling girlfriends

Good thing I took this picture because it was almost the only time we were all in one place at the same time because I could JUST NOT KEEP UP!
My legs had NO energy.
Thankfully, my guy stayed with me.
I came home from the ride and took a 3 hour nap.
Maybe I've been over training, I thought.
The next day I just didn't FEEL like doing anything.
I must really be over training!!
Monday, I was able to get in a mile swim and go to my triathlon club's local get-together.
I slept really good that night.
Tuesday I worked!
That was it. That was all I could do.
I turned my Tuesday night bike ride over to Robert and I went to bed - at 6 p.m.
Wednesday I got up and worked again.
I felt okay and even managed to get in a mile swim after work and visit my daughter.
By 10 p.m. I was EXHAUSTED.
Thankfully, I did NOT have to work on Thursday.
I did have an appointment with my doctor for my annual female appointment.
She offered me the flu shot.
I turned her down.
I am healthy, I told her.
(I think the flu bug must have a wicked sense of humor)
I did some errands and attended a birthday party for my mom's husband.
I did feel as if I had a slight cold and my arms felt as if I had lifted some heavy weights (which I had not).
Friday I felt congested, but I got up and went to work.
I kept telling the students that I didn't feel very well and I almost went through a whole bag of "bribe" jolly ranchers.
My throat slowly constricted as the day went on.
Thankfully, the class I was working in has a student that requires me to wear a mic.

I can whisper and the whole class can still me here thanks to amplifiers.
I laid down on the classroom floor and took a nap at lunch time.
(The teacher I was substituting for even came in and saw me napping!)
That nap got me through the rest of the day.
By the end of the day though I could barely talk.
I am sure I had a fever.
I came home and went to bed.
4 o'clock in the afternoon - in bed.
I had plans to ride the 62-mile Grape Fun Ride with my guy and several friends.
They all rode without me.
I stayed in bed.
I stayed in bed until 2 p.m. when Robert drove me to Urgent Care.
Fever, flu, strep throat
In other words - SICK
I crawled back into bed Saturday afternoon and stayed there until Sunday morning.
I didn't know if my body was aching from the flu or from being in bed for so long.
I made my way from my bed to the coach in the family room and took over the TV remote.
Fourteen hours later and 5 movies, a liter of 7up, a quart of orange sherbet, 2 cans of Campbell's Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup, about 25 saltine crackers and endless cups of hot tea with honey, I was feeling better.
I couldn't remember if the rule was feed a fever and starve a cold, or starve a fever and feed a cold. I didn't want to take any chances so I just continued to eat.
Then I went back to bed!
This morning, I felt well enough to do laundry, work in my yard and blog.
I think I'll try a bike ride tomorrow.
And if you haven't had the flu shot yet, do it!
Even if it is only 60 percent effective, that is better odds than what I had.
Next year I'll be first in line for the flu shot.
Because flu germs don't care if you are healthy and a triathlete or about your training plans.
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