Triathlon for the every woman
You Can Be a Triathlete. Yes. You.
Meredith Atwood wrote the book.
I am in the book.
You have to read 390 pages until you find my name...and you'll only find my first name, not my last name, but it's me.

I met Meredith through GOTRIbal and Facebook.
She lives in Georgia and I live in Southern California, so it's not like we are training together.
Yet, in some ways we are.
Meredith came out to SoCal a while back (a year ago) and we met at a spin class in San Diego taught by Mickey Forrest.
Yep, Robert and I drove all the way to San Diego to take a spin class in SD at a LA Fitness. All I can say about the class was, "Wowsa!"
Mickey could really make her legs spin while she was standing on the pedals.
It made my hips hurt to see how fast she could spin WHILE standing.
While Mickey was standing and spinning, I was SITTING and spinning.
Then I was standing and taking my picture with Meredith.
Meredith (on left) and me on right at spin class - a year ago - my how time flies when you are tri-ing!
I wrote about the class and my week in this blog:
Just in case you missed it and want to catch up/refresh your memory.
Anyway, Meredith and I have stayed in contact.
She loves Chrissie Wellington (and who doesn't?), just like me.
She loves Aquaphor (and who doesn't?), just like me. She mentions Aquaphor numerous times in her book.
She loves triathlon (and who doesn't?).
Okay, some people may not love it, but that's just because they haven't tried it yet. Once they try it, they probably will love it...just like me.
Meredith asked her triathlete friends to tell her why they like triathlon or what triathlon means to them....
PAGE 390:
"KANDI: I competed in my first triathlon when I was fifty-years old. Triathlon is a good way to have fun and be fit. Nothing gets overworked, but everything gets worked? I love to cycle, I enjoy swimming and I am learning to tolerate running. Put all three activities together, throw in a stopwatch to see how fast you can transition from one sport to the next...well, it's so wacky, it makes me smile!"
(I am still working on 'learning to tolerate running'.)
Okay, besides my quote, the rest of the book is good too.
If you haven't done a triathlon, Meredith will make you want to try one.
If you are overweight and you haven't done a triathlon, Meredith will make you want to give triathlon a try as a way to lose weight, or lose weight to give triathlon a try.
If you are a crazy mother who has no time because your work is too demanding and your kids are little and need lots of attention, Meredith will show you that you, TOO, need to take some time for YOURSELF and triathlon is a positive way to get yourself SANE and HEALTHY.
Hey, even if you NEVER think you are going to do a triathlon, you can read her story and get a chuckle or two...or three.
Here's what Chrissie Wellington said about Meredith's book: " too can become a triathlete: no matter what your age, your background or your ability....This book will help you change 'I CAN'T' into 'I CAN' and give you the tools, advice and inspiration for how to do it. With this book, you will realize that your life truly has NO LIMITS!"
Chrissie Wellington (on left) and me on right. Chrissie, Ironman World Champion, is holding her book, "A LIFE Without Limits!"
Meredith and I have a lot in common.
We are both married.
We both have kids.
We both have jobs - though, hers is WAY more sheduled and high pressure than mine is.
We both are training for triathlon inspite of, or maybe because of, our issues - her issue is weight, mine is age, I mean, my knee.
We both are NEVER going to be a World Champion.
(Only in my wildest dreams!!!!!)
But still, we continue to SWIM, BIKE, RUN, MOM, FRIEND, WORK, WRITE, SLEEP, EAT, REPEAT!

You can buy Meredith's book on Amazon.
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