All the triathlon books I have read say to do other things during the off after my half iron distance a week ago, I looked at my calendar to plan some "other things," but couldn't tell where my OFF season is.
This coming up weekend I am going to join my guy and another couple and we are going to Bike the Coast/Taste the Coast.

I guess this could be considered "off" because we are only going to ride the 25-miles, but we are going to do it on our mountain bikes. I am really looking forward to the music, food and beer garden....oh, and the expo!
The following weekend I am going to run in the Mission Inn Run, a local run in my community.
My plan is to run from my house to the start line (I think about 3 miles), run the 5k, then the 10k and then run/walk home....for a total of about 15 miles.
At the end of the month I have a sprint triathlon at Bonelli, with a 1/2 mile swim, bike around the lake and a 5k run. I get to race for free because I helped at the M3 half distance handing out water bottles to cyclist.
Okay, then I have a 2-week break and I am racing at the Tinsel Triathlon...another sprint, but this one ends in a pool.

This will be my third year to compete here. It is a fun little race, though I wish they had split timing for the transitions.
Looking over my event plans, after Tinsel Triathlon, I do have a 6-week break until Jan. 19 when Robert and I are riding in the Grape Fun Ride, a metric century in Rancho Cucamonga.
Maybe in those 6 weeks I will go to lots of Yoga classes and get in some trail running. Maybe I'll get in my spring garden and take a Zumba class. I think I'll get in an Aqua Fit class and be like the only person who actually sweats in the pool. That will be besides my running, swimming, cycling and strength training.....
February has two events I want to do - Race on the Base Triathlon, which I have done every year for the past 4 years and Steelman Triathlon, which just started last year and my triathlon club shows out for in force.
They are on the same weekend and are back to back.
Can I do that?
Well, since neither one of them are my "A" race, or even my "B" race, maybe I will, just for a long weekend of racing fun!
March looks booked with the Desert International Triathlon, The Solvang Ride (metric century or century?) and the Pasadena Triathlon.
April has the Carlsbad 5000, which Robert and I signed up for while we were at the San Diego TriRock in September. I mean, how could we pass up a run with a tech t-shirt that is being offered for $20.
April also has the Grape Stomp Triathlon, another triathlon where my triathlon club has a great showing of members.
My "B" race is in May....Wildflower!
I raced this last year....I raced in the mountain bike triathlon. This year I think I'll either race in the Olympic or the half distance. I haven't decided. And when I say "race," I really mean "event."
June - Tinman Sprint Triathlon
Friends, Fun, Fast and FOOD!!!
Then there is my "unofficial" event, but every year I ride the Challenge.....when the Tour rides, I ride. This year I think I'll ride and cry and cry and ride and if you don't know why then you don't know anything about the tour.
July...and my fingers are crossed that we get in -
I heart that last year they sold out in 3 hours. Yikes, that is almost as bad as trying to get camping reservations in California.
This will be my "A" race and I am going to PR. And how could I not, since it will be the first time I have done it.
Okay, here is my break - AUGUST!
I have nothing planned.
September.....uhm, well, I could easily be talked into San Diego Tri-Rock. It is a nice event. It is a little pricey, but my guy and I always have fun staying at the Hilton. But I'm not sure about this year...Maybe I'll just take more yoga, Zumba and aqua fit classes.
My friend, Carolyn and I had so much fun at the Rugged Maniac earlier this month, that I already signed Robert and I up for next year. Carolyn says she is signing up her guy, too, and we are going to run, climb, slither on our stomachs in mud, run some more and jump in a lake, then jump over fire, then drink a couple of beers and THEN have a tailgate party at the lake.
October also has the Riverside Triathlon. I did not get to go to the Inaugural event this year because Robert and I were in Tempe, AZ, competing in SOMA half iron distance. I was sad that I wasn't in my hometown for its very first triathlon. I plan on competing in it next year.

And then it will be November and my "OFF" season will start all over again.....or will it?
I haven't decided if after I volunteer as Security at Ironman Arizona next month, if I will be standing in line the next morning to sign up.
End Note - accidentally sent me a second pair of SockGuy socks. I got the first pair of sock for completing 99 bike rides.
Well, the other day, they sent me ANOTHER pair of socks. I emailed them and they said to keep them and give them to someone who has cold feet.
Is that you?
Leave me a comment about what you do in your off-season. Or leave me a comment about my plans for the year...sounds okay? too much?
Am I crazy to think I can do an Ironman at 53-years-old (what I'll be then)?
Am I crazy to think I can do an Ironman at 53-years-old (what I'll be then)?
I'll throw all the names of those making a comment in a hat and on Nov. 6 pull a winning name.

Good Luck!
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