This past weekend was filled with Fun, Friends and Fitness!
And now I am recovering.
It started early Friday morning with an open water swim at Lake Perris. Even though I got over my fear of open water swims last year, I had about a 200 yards of panic swim.
Luckily, my guy stayed near me so I eventually focused on my swim and not my fear.
Teri, Robert, me, Linda and Orietta at Lake Perris. More open water swims WILL be on the calendar!
Saturday I evented at the Grape Stomp reverse sprint triathlon!
I came in 4th in my age group. I rode Hector (my tri-bike) as a test on how well he does on hills. Hector is great on the downhills and the flats, but OUCH!!! he is not great on the hills. I think Hector will be left at home for Wildflower and Sara will be my ride of choice as she is geared for hills.
One of my Triathlon Connection friends and Baby SEAL in training friend took pictures at the triathlon. I have NEVER had a good picture of myself at a tri.....until NOW!!!
Thank you Enrique!!!
PS - Enrique is the only non-SEAL that KILLED the "O" course in our day of training with the Navy Seals, so he is not only a great athlete, but a great photographer.
Here is some of his work:

My transition area.

Walking to the start...My number is also my race age.

Running into transition. I CAN breathe and keep my eyes open.

Hector and I leave transition. Hector failed the hill riding portion of the tri. Unless he gets a different cassette, he is going to have to stay home when I go to hilly tris.

No I am NOT picking my nose. I am taking off my noseclip.

Thanks Enrique for the awesome them!!!!

Then we celebrated with breakfast! Peggy (in the middle) ran the 5k and Orietta won 1st place in her age division.
After breakfast I raced home and threw my wet, stinky tri-clothes in the laundry, put Hector away and packed my stuff in the car for a "rest-of-the-weekend" get-away with my guy to Carlsbad. We were going there to event in the Carlsbad 5000, a 5k race we had signed up for dirt cheap while at the Tri-Rock San Diego event this past September.
We started at the Carlsbad Flower Farm.
It was beautiful.

We walked from the Surf Motel where we were staying to the Ocean View restaurant for dinner. I had my first glass of red wine in I don't know how many days. I had given alcohol up for Lent, and since then I have had a couple of beers, but not wine. The first glass out of the bottle was good, and so was the second one.
On our walk back to the beach motel, we stopped at Starbucks to get our breakfast for the next morning. I had forgotten to load the food in the car.
Breakfast for Two!
Then we stopped at the corner liquor store to buy water, lottery tickets and ANOTHER bottle of wine.
We drank the wine while watching a sappy love story movie that lasted way too late.
You can make a prediction now about my 5k run on Sunday morning.
Too much wine + not enough sleep = crappy run
If you look at the results page using the bib number I am wearing in the picture below you will see that I ran a 34-minute 5k in the MEN'S MASTERS DIVISION.
First event representing SunRype.
Robert, on the other hand, ran a 31:05 5k in the WOMEN'S MASTERS DIVISION.

Yep, we accidentally switched bibs and timing chips when we got ready in the morning.
Good News, though, we had lots of fun!
After the run we walked up and down the entire town enjoying the sights and watching the other running events.
Some of those runners are bananas.
I saw a BUNCH of these runners!
We love Carlsbad and we booked the hotel for 2 nights next month when we event at the Encinitas Sprint Triathlon.
Next month, though, we booked the Ocean View 2-bedroom Suite..and we will bring boys and surfboards.
But I will be leaving the wine at home.
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