Today I got my "starter pack" of Team Aquaphor.
I was worried at first because other Team Aquaphor teammates had posted pictures of themselves on facebook in their Aquaphor tech tshirts and said, "Oh, this is me in my LARGE shirt," and I was thinking "Oh, Oh, I put small for mine."
Thank you God for not making me have to worry too much because the FedEx guy came to the door with my shipment and I promptly tried mine on and it fit. PERFECTLY.
Yeah!!!! and double YEAH!!!!
So I am all happy sitting at home with my big box of Aquaphor samples and my awesome fitting Aquaphor tech tshirt and my new Aquaphor visor and I have finished editing my required pages of the slutty romance novel I am working on and I put a couple of items on eBay and I am waiting for my guy to get home from work so we can go swim (I know this is a really long run-on sentence...but my morning was a really long run-on morning).....
Then I come across this:
Oh, not so Yeah!
Gist is, the USADA is charging Lance with all the stuff he has been charged with before by them and the Federal Government, but this time the charges will keep him from competing in his pursuit of the Ironman World Championship Title.
Wait, that doesn't seem fair.
500 urine samples while competing in CYCLING and never proven guilty.
But now Lance is competing in Triathlon.
But now Lance is competing in Triathlon.

The USADA never could get Lance while he was competing in cycling, so now they are going to try to punish him while he is competing in Triathlon.

I say, leave the guy alone.....unless the USADA can find an issue with his blood tests NOW while he is competing in triathlon, they should just let it rest. And to WTC, who is the corporation that oversees Ironman, I say this - if Lance has not been charged or being investigated with doping while competing in Triathlon, then you should let him compete.
Macca says let him compete.
I agree!
Okay, I am off my soapbox now. I guess you know how I feel.
The rest of my day was GREAT!
I wore my fabulously fitting Aquaphor tech shirt to my Thursday evening Triathlon Connection Mountain Bike ride. Tonight there were only three of us. We just took it easy, which I was really grateful for. My knee was still sore from my laundry accident on Tuesday event.
This is what happened when I tried to carry a stack of 9 folded towels to a naked yelling teenage boy in a bathroom who just hopped out of the shower and finds there are no towels. I could not see where I was going and ran my leg into the corner of the fireplace bricks and went down on my face, towels strewn across the floor. Somehow the naked yelling teenager boy managed to find clothes and help me to the sofa and then put ice on my knee. I missed my Tuesday night road bike ride, but I did get waited one hand and foot by a dressed quiet teenage boy. Almost made the whole ordeal worth it.
Tonight's ride was great! The ride was nice! The company was fabulous! The food was wonderful! The wine was tasty!
Yeah! That's the kind of triathlon club mountain bike riding I do. You should come out and join us sometime.
Lance, you are more than welcome to join us. And we promise there will be no drug testing after the ride. I'll even give you some samples of Aquaphor.
Tomorrow is more train-n-tri.
I may be slow, but I go!
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