You've finished the swim, managed to get out of your wetsuit without it sticking to your wrists and legs and remembered to buckle your helmet before you took your bike off the rack in transition. You gulped down some electrolytes flavored as raspberry, squished a GU into your mouth and now you are whizzing along the road on your bike. Maybe you are in aero.

The next thing you know, you are in the hospital and hooked up to machines.
A triathlete's worst nightmare.
A triathlete's family's worst nightmare.
A nightmare.
This is what happened to Kristen Walker.
Kristen was competing at an Iron Girl Triathlon on Sunday.
They don't know exactly what happened and she was the only cyclist involved in the crash. It might have been from a blow-out.
Luckily there were several nurses, including an ER nurse competing in the triathlon and they stopped and helped Kristen.
It has been reported that Kristen has broken bones and a traumatic brain injury and had surgery on Sunday.
To get more detailed information read
I found out about Kristen and her accident through my friend Meredith, who writes the swimbikemom blog.
This is what is being asked:
Send your good thoughts and prayers for Kristen
if you feel you need to bank a little bit of good KARMA you can donate to a fund for Kristen and her family.
I don't think I could say this any better than Meredith: "We all get wrapped up in racing, in speed and in pushing forward – sometimes we need a reminder how dangerous this sport can be… how we must always remember that we are human racers… and stopping to assist Our Fellow Triathlete may just save her life."
And this is from me:
Always ask competitors on the side of the road if they are okay. Always ask someone stopped and struggling in the water if they are okay. Always ask anyone who looks as if they may be over-heated or staggering if they are okay.
Always ask, because unless you are a PRO and getting paid money, it is all just a good FUN way to stay in shape and to stay healthy!
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