Some days I spend part of my day training women who want to lose weight, get fit, be able to run, compete in a triathlon, gain endurance and speed to be better at their sport.
As a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer I get to spend time with these people and hear their stories while sharing powerful information with them about exercise, health, nutrition and wellness. This job pays for all the fabulous gizmos I want to buy to compete in Triathlon! Thank you part time Certified Personal Fitness Trainer Job!!
Some days I spend what seems like an over-whelming amount of time cleaning the house and washing a huge volcano-looking pile of towels that people (husband and 3 children) in my house have thrown into the laundry room.
Some days I spend part of my day actually training for a Triathlon. After being a Career Substitute Teacher, a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and a Mom/Wife, I am a Triathlete.
I carefully "TRI" to manage my schedule so that I can get in the correct amount of runs and bikes and swims and strength training. Some days I spend part of my day actually juggling it all just right.

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