I got up and had some coffee and ate some yogurt, put some tennis shoes on and took my pajama clad body out to the garage gym. I cranked the music and lifted weights for just over an hour.
After a recover breakfast of one slice of Trader Joe's French Toast with REAL maple syrup and another cup of coffee, I checked my email and looked at facebook.
Then I started a load of stinky gym clothes from the past couple of days and took a shower. I was dressed and ready to head to work when my guy came home from his work and had the mail in his hand.
There were two manila envelops amongst the mail - one for him and one for me.
We opened them up and there they were - silver medals with two guitars and ROCK ENCORE in sparkly red. A 3-inch across heavy piece of metal.
A testament that we had doled out a few hundred dollars for the two of us to enter the San Diego Rock-n-Roll 1/2 marathon and the Las Vegas Rock-n-Roll 1/2 marathon. A reminder that we had forked over another several hundred dollars to stay in nice hotels and eat good food in San Diego and Las Vegas while we were there to race.
Proof we had ran 13.1 miles at one time, twice.
A memento of my guy's and my time together - away from home and lists of chores to do, away from kids, with nothing to do but talk to each other and enjoy each other's company - and then get our run on.
Worth every penny.
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