Food, cake, drinks, no time to train = behind on training and gained a least.
But it was all worth it.
Tuesday was Robert's birthday and Valentine's Day. He loves chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I actually baked it and then ate it (2 pieces). I was a nice wife and made chicken Parmesan with heart shaped ravioli. Yeah, I can get in the spirit of it sometimes.
Notice the cake is heart shaped!
Today is my mom's 70th Birthday. My mom rocks!
We had a fabulous party for her at my sister's house. We had Mexican food (her favorite, I learned from a stupid game where I didn't know any of the answers about her, but yet, my guy knew so many of the answers about my mom that he won the prize - a candle...a jasmine scented candle. The irony - he would know more about my mom than I do, yet he wins a jasmine scented candle, a plant he is highly allergic to).
We drank and had cake (and not just any cake, but Simple Simon's 16-layer Princess Cake...totally worth the extra calories) and painted a picture for my mom and played Left, Right, Center.
Left, Right, Center kind of sounds like Swim, Bike, Run and it costs me a lot of money, so I feel like I am still sort of in triathlon heaven when I play it.
Each player starts with $3 (and thank you, oh fabulous guy of mine for fronting everyone the $ basically we all played on Robert's money and one person won all of Robert's money, which is really my money, but I never saw any of it because it went into someone's pocket by way of LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER).
- for keepsey. You roll the dice and basically give your money away until one person is left with one dollar. And that lucky person wins everything (or in this case $54...uhm, I could have bought a lot of Hooha for that).
Women with Money on their Mind!
Oh baby, give me three dots!

Sharon won!
But I did have a small win tonight....
My son, Dion, who will never let me take pictures of him, took a picture WITH me!!!!
Okay, birthdays over, celebrations over, eating and drinking over!
Tomorrow I am back on track with training!!
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